Complaints performance 2020-2021
We aim to provide an excellent service to our customers. If we get things wrong we want to put them right and learn from our mistakes.
We also want to be open and honest about the complaints we receive and how we investigate and resolve issues raised. This page contains data about the kind of complaints we receive and improvements we have made in response to our customers' feedback.
Acting on feedback
Most importantly, we use complaints to identify areas of our service where we need to make changes, so that the service you receive continues to improve. You can read more below about changes we have made in response to customer complaints.
Longhurst Group complaints: 1 April 2020–31 March 2021
Our approach to customer complaints considers each customer’s personal circumstances and experience.
At the same time as looking at complaints at an individual customer level, we also use this information to compare patterns and trends. We recognise that we need to improve our response times for our customers and to continue to learn from complaints, to reduce the number of complaints we receive.
We understand that complaints about outstanding repairs are particularly emotive and this is an area where we know we need to improve.
Types of complaints
Complaints we receive are handled in two ways:
- Informal or 'first-time fix' complaints are issues that can be resolved within two working days.
- If we cannot resolve the problem within two working days, and a solution is not easily available, we will record this as a formal complaint.
Formal complaints
The chart below shows the number of formal complaints received and closed between April 2020 and March 2021.
Complaints are classed as 'upheld' when we have:
- failed to provide a service when agreed
- provided a poor service
- made a mistake in the way we provided a service
- failed to meet a service standard
- not followed our policies correctly.
In instances such as these, we would write to formally apologise and explain a way forward.
Note: Of the 2,861 total complaints received, 1,055 were closed.
Which services received complaints?
This chart shows the total number of complaints (formal and informal) received by different service areas at Longhurst Group.