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Health and Safety Policy

The policy details the health and safety arrangements in place to effectively manage health and safety across Amplius as required by the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and related regulations.

Health and Safety Policy

Policy information

Approved 25 November 2024
Published 17 December 2024
Review date 25 November 2025
Review frequency Biennial


 Download this policy as a PDF document


The policy details the health and safety arrangements in place to effectively manage health and safety across Amplius as required by the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and related regulations.


Policy statement

This policy supports Amplius’ values and is a commitment to improving lives and supporting colleagues by providing a safe place to work and ensuring robust health and safety arrangements are in place.

This policy is a Day 1 provision for Amplius as a newly established company, it is subject to review as we develop and review our policies over the next 18 months.


The term Amplius incorporates all member companies and subsidiaries.

The policy applies to all parts of the organisation. This policy outlines the organisation’s general arrangements for managing health and safety at work, this policy does not detail the arrangements associated with property health and safety compliance covered under separate policies respectively.

The policy does not form part of any colleague’s contract of employment and the policy may be amended at any time.

Policy details

General arrangements for managing health and safety

Amplius will provide and maintain a system to effectively manage health and safety across all parts of the organisation to ensure the health and safety of colleagues, customers and third parties.  This includes providing and maintaining safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all our colleagues so far as is reasonably practicable. It will also provide appropriate information, training and supervision for colleagues as is needed for their work.

The key elements of Amplius’ safety arrangements will be to provide:

  • A written Health and Safety Statement of our ‘general policy’ with respect to the health and safety at work of employees.
  • A systematic approach to risk assessments.
  • Appropriate occupational health monitoring.
  • Provision of information, instruction, training and supervision proportionate to enable colleagues to carry out their duties in a safe and appropriate manner.
  • A forum for consultation with colleagues on health and safety matters.
  • Monitoring of health and safety compliance.
  • Monitoring of all accidents, incidents, near misses and dangerous occurrences and making changes to processes and procedures to mitigate future risk.
  • Investigation of all RIDDOR or potential RIDDOR incidents and taking learning from the same.
  • Provision of competent, professional advice and providing specialised services to the organisation.
Key roles and responsibilities at Amplius

All persons involved with Amplius, whether Board Member, or employee have delegated responsibilities in relation to Health and Safety.  The key roles and responsibilities are listed below.

Amplius Board

The Board is responsible for ensuring that there is an effective Health and Safety policy in place and that it is embedded in the business. The Board will receive an annual report setting out the work that the organisation has undertaken to mitigate against risk, what learning has been gained from activities and high-level details of incidents affecting colleagues and customers. More detailed assurance reports will be provided to the appropriate Committees within Amplius. 

Executive Management Team

The Chief Executive, Chief Officers and Directors collectively are the officers responsible for ensuring the implementation of Amplius’ objectives in this policy.

Policy Sponsor – Chief People and Governance Officer

Strategic responsibility for the policy and how it relates to business plans, key strategies and other elements of the policy framework.

Policy Owner – Director of ​Compliance and Regulation/Head of Health and Safety

Responsible for the policy’s suitability; effective implementation; and commissioning new policy development and periodic policy review.

Policy Author – ​Head of Health and Safety​

Responsible for drafting a new policy and proposing any amendments to an existing policy.

Data Protection – Data Protection Officer

Responsible for identifying, assessing and mitigating privacy risks with data-processing activities that fall within the policy.

Customer Engagement Team 

Responsible for leading on policy consultation with customers.

​​Heads of Department and Team Managers/Leaders

​Procedural responsibility specific to departments for the management of health and safety.  Ensuring their team undertake day-to-day tasks in a healthy and safe manner that is in line with robust risk assessments and agreed work practices.

All Colleagues

​Every employee has a duty whilst at work to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work. They must co-operate with their employer to enable employer Health and Safety duties to be complied with.​ This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Familiarising themselves with all related health and safety documentation, including this policy, procedures, risk assessments and safe systems of work.  Ensuring they adhere to safe systems of work and the control measures detailed in their risk assessments.
  • Attending/undertaking mandatory health and safety training and refreshers when required/necessary. 
  • Reporting any matters that they believe to be a danger to health and safety to their line manager as soon as reasonably practicable. 
  • All colleagues have a duty of care to identify and report any H&S concerns that could impact on colleagues, customers, third parties or the public, a culture of ‘don’t walk by’ should be adopted.
  • Reporting all accidents, incidents, near misses and dangerous occurrences as soon as reasonably practicable via Amplius’ reporting system. From the 16th of December 2024 until further advised this will be:

Legacy Grand Union – via Grand Union’s current reporting process.

Legacy Longhurst – via Longhurst Group’s current reporting process.

  • Using all PPE required for the task and ensuring that all equipment is kept to a reasonable standard of repair (this includes reporting any deficiencies and/or any damage to the equipment to their line manager). 
  • Not interfering or purposefully damaging any item or piece of equipment that has been provided for health, safety, wellbeing or welfare purposes. 
  • Using only the tools, equipment and/or plant that they are fully trained/qualified in using and not to use any defective plant, tools or equipment.
  • Reporting any health condition, that could prevent them from doing their job safely, to their line manager and the People Services Team as soon as is reasonably practicable after a professional diagnosis. 
  • Driving safely at all times when undertaking company business, both in company vehicles and in a person’s own vehicle. 

The Social Housing (Regulation) Act – Health and Safety Lead

The Social Housing (Regulation) Act requires organisations to have a Health and Safety Lead to ensure the health or safety of residents of social housing. This person is named for the purposes of the Regulator of Social Housing, as the Chief Operating Officer.  Operational Health and Safety matters should be referred in the first instance to Amplius’ Head of Health and Safety.

Equality, diversity and inclusion

Amplius is committed to ensuring that no person or group of persons will be treated less favourably than another person or group of persons and will carry out our duty with positive regard for the following protected characteristics; Age, Disability, Race, Gender Reassignment, Sexual Orientation, Religion or Belief, Marriage and Civil Partnership and Pregnancy and Maternity.

Summary of local variations

No variations of this policy are required.

Compliance and administration

Legal and regulatory compliance

This policy fully complies with Amplius’ legal and regulatory obligations.

  • Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
  • The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
  • The Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996
  • The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 (as amended 2002)
  • The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
  • The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998
  • The Working at Height Regulations 2005
  • The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002
  • The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013
  • The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992
  • The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015

This list is not exhaustive, and policy authors will undertake thorough research and/or seek professional advice to ensure that Amplius meets its obligations and complies with the current and relevant legislation and regulations.

Evaluation, review and performance monitoring

This policy will be reviewed on a Biennial basis to ensure that it remains fit for purpose. A policy review may also be required earlier, in response to internal or external changes for example changes in legislation.  Prompt and effective action will be taken where improvements are identified.

The policy will be evaluated for effectiveness via the H&S Committee as well as through the quarterly RIDDOR Reports to Board, six-monthly reports to Audit and Risk Committee, and Annual Board Report, as well any customer related aspects to the Customer Experience Committee and via the Customer Forum.

Related policies

  • Prevention and Control of Infection Policy
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
  • Risk Appetite Framework and associated Risk Management Policy
  • Driving at Work Policy


Updated: 11 March 2025

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