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Repairs and Maintenance policy

This policy sets out how Longhurst Group delivers repairs and maintenance activities, timescales and the roles and responsibilities of colleagues and contractors.

Repairs and Maintenance policy

Policy information

Policy reference PO-B–006–H
Approved 25 May 2022
Published 8 May 2024
Effective 25 May 2022
Amended 24 October 2024
Review Triennial


  Download this policy and appendices as a PDF document


This policy sets out how Longhurst Group delivers repairs and maintenance activities, timescales and the roles and responsibilities of colleagues and contractors.


Longhurst Group (the Group) is committed to providing properties that are well maintained and kept in good and safe repair, both for the benefit of existing customers and to maximise the long-term life of each asset.

This policy presents a clearly defined system of control for the management of repairs and maintenance activities within each asset.

Implementation of this policy will ensure compliance with our legal and regulatory responsibilities.


The Group will achieve and maintain effective management systems and will comply with all relevant legislative and regulatory requirements as defined on the title page.

In implementing this policy our objectives will be to:

  • Comply at all times with all current legal responsibilities and codes of good practice
  • Provide properties which are attractive to current and future customers
  • Provide a prompt, economic and efficient responsive repairs service, including an out of hours emergency service, for all of our customers
  • Minimise property void periods in order to minimise rental loss
  • Achieve high standards of customer care and satisfaction
  • Enable customers to have reasonable choices about when work is done and to comment on the services we provide
  • Establish and maintain a comprehensive and systematic programme of service contracts, cyclical painting, major repairs, and planned maintenance
  • Install components and undertake enhancements that improve the energy efficiency of our properties, maximising external funding if eligible working to meet targets in relation to the environment and carbon reduction.
  • Procurement methods which consider costs and quality to demonstrate value for money
  • Set and monitor key performance indicators as a platform for delivering a constantly improving service
  • Ensure that all customers are given clear information on who is responsible for repair and maintenance in and around their homes
  • Ensure that all internal procedures supporting this policy are clear, comprehensive, and available to all colleagues to ensure a consistent approach to managing, implementing, and budgeting for all aspects of repairs and maintenance
  • Provide appropriate instruction, training and supervision to enable all colleagues to work safely and carry out their duties under the policy
  • Provide adequate and appropriate resources to implement the policy
  • Appoint competent people, with authority and knowledge to take the measures needed to comply with the policy and relevant legislation

This policy applies to all properties owned or managed (where we have repairs and maintenance responsibilities) and individuals employed and or engaged by the Group. The term customer could be used to represent a Longhurst Group customer or member of Longhurst Group colleagues.

Shared Owners in properties which have been funded through the Affordable Housing Programme 2021-2026 and have a Model Lease entered into after September 2021 will be eligible for structural and external repairs. An allowance of up to £500 net per property can also be claimed for eligible internal repairs – subject to the Group completing an inspection and assessment of the required works and agreeing they meet the qualifying criteria.

Policy details

There are 4 main categories of maintenance:

  • Responsive repairs
  • Void works
  • Cyclical maintenance
  • Planned maintenance

Responsive repairs

Responsive repairs can be reported by a customer, colleague, contractor, member of the public or identified during and estate inspections.  Repairs are categorised according to their urgency, with a set response target time for each category.

Customers are responsible for the internal decoration,general condition of their home and gardens as defined within our tenancy agreements .

The Group has responsibility for some Leaseholder and Leasehold for the Elderly repairs. Responsibilities for repairs are set out within each lease.

Responsive repairs are split into 3 main categories:

  • Emergency repairs – we’ll fix or make safe within 24 hours
  • Appointed urgent repairs – complete within 7 calendar days maximum
  • Appointed routine repairs – complete within 28 calendar days maximum

There may be instances, due to the complexity of the work or when new parts need to be ordered or made, that mean the repair can’t be completed within the above timescales. In these instances, we will aim to complete the repairs within 90 days and will keep the customers updated.

Emergency repairs are when your health, safety or security is at risk, or the structure of your home could be harmed. Examples include an insecure door or ground floor window and substantial leaks that cannot be isolated or contained. A further routine or urgent repair appointment may be needed to complete any necessary repairs required after your property has been made safe.

An out of hours service is provided for emergency repairs.  The emergency repairs service operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days per year.

Appointed repairs are defects or faults which do not put the health, safety or security of a customer at risk or cause harm to the structure of the property and are repairs that customers can reasonably live with for a period of time.

Some repairs may be prioritised for early completion as an urgent repair examples include: where right to repair legislation provides statutory guidelines, it is relating to a disrepair claim, it is a recall repair, the repair has failed a quality audit, compliance or health and safety risks, minor aids and adaptations, works relating to domestic violence or hate crime incidents or repairs relating to a complaints case.

No extensions will be provided to the above priority classifications. If a repair cannot be completed within the timescales outlined above then the order notes must be updated by the contractor and monitored through the Key Performance Indicators and associated narrative. The contractor must keep the customer and the Group updated at all times.

A full list of repairs responsibilities and priority classifications are contained in Appendix A. There may be instances (such as a customer disability or vulnerability) wherethe Group wish to undertake a repair that would ordinarily be the customers responsibility or enhance the priority classification. This will be on assessed on a case-by-case basis and consideration will be given to the individual circumstances and the repair. The decision will be at the complete discretion of the Group who will use the following vulnerability definition included as Appendix B of this document as a guide (please note that this could include the customer or their household members).

For repairs that are the customers responsibility the Group must be establish if the customer has any person living within the same household that are able to complete the works.

Reporting repairs and repair appointments

The Group’s customer service team will handle all repairs calls and arrange appointments at the first point of contact. Our call centre team will be available to take calls from 8.30am to 5.00pm on weekdays excluding public holidays. An out of hours’ telephone service will be provided through a third party outside of these hours for customers to report emergency repairs. 

The Group have access to translation services.

We offer the following appointment time slots for routine repairs:

  • Monday to Friday am (8:00am – 12:00pm)
  • Monday to Friday pm (12:00pm – 5:00pm)
  • Avoid school run (10am-2pm)
  • Monday to Friday evening (5:00pm – 7:00pm) – by request onlywhere a contractor has failed to keep an original appoinment
  • Saturday am (8:00am – 12:00pm) – by request only where a contractor has failed to keep an original appointment.


Notes must be added to the order to provide further information to the contractor such as avoid school run etc.

If our contractors fail to keep or need to cancel an appointment the customer must be contacted by the contractor in advance of the original appointment and be offered another appointment. The original order must be updated and not cancelled.  

If the customer needs to cancel or rearrange their appointment they will contact the Group’s call centre who will update the order accordingly and provide the customer with a new appointment date.


Longhurst Group employees and contractors will not enter a property when only a child is at home (under 18 years old). We will only enter your home if there is an adult present. If the adult leaves, then the Longhurst Group employee / contractor must leave the premises. There may be some exceptions to this, and further guidance must be sought from the Safeguarding Team as needed.

Completing repairs

The contractor must leave the property clean and tidy and explain to the customer the works undertaken.

If a repair cannot be completed at first visit the contractor must provide the customer with a new appointment date before leaving the property. This will be added as a task against the original order. If parts are required the contractor must provide the customer with a new appointment date before leaving the property and must inform the  Group and the customer if there are any delay or supply issues.

Following an emergency repair which has been made safe a new routine or urgent repair (depending on repair and customer) will be made and an appointment agreed with the customer before the operative leaves the property. If the emergency repair is completed out of hours the new appointment must be made on the first working day by the planners. The operative must inform the customer that more work is required and they will be contacted with an appointment on the next working day.   

All information must be collected for the order (such as before and after photographs, operative notes, customer signature) and the order updated and/or completed from site. It is imperative that the updates are made in real-time to enable accurate updates for performance and repairs monitoring.

Variations and approvals

If a variation to an existing order is required which is above the Contractors self-authorisation limit the contractor will phone the Repairs and Voids representatives from site and verbally agree if the repair can proceed. All variation requests must be authorised by Longhurst Group within one working day of receipt in Dynamics 365.

No access

Where access to the property cannot be gained by the contractor, the contractor must follow the Group’s no access procedure and attempt to phone the customer before carding. If contact cannot be made or the customer is not in the vicinity of the property, the contractor must leave a no access card with a new appointment date and take a photograph of the door of the property with a time and date stamp on recorded on the image.

If there is a second no access attempt for the same repair the Contractor should request a cancellation of the order and provide a  reason of  no access. The Group will review if the repair is an item which could potentially lead to a disrepair claim (such as a broken extractor fan which could lead to damp and mould) or a health and safety risk before cancelling the order. No access repairs which have been cancelled will be referred to the recharge process.

If it is an emergency repair and access is not gained, the contractor should follow the emergency no access process.

All information relating to the no accesses (including photographs) must be provided to the Group, in an electronic format through the Dynamics 365 interface.

Repair Quality Audits

The Group will complete a quality audit on a sample of completed repair orders each month. This could be by way of a site visit or a desktop audit of repair order using the completion information provided by the contractor. This could be a random sample or following specific customer feedback. Quality audits will be logged on Dynamics. If the quality or standard of the work is found to not be acceptable the Group will notify the contractor who must make an appointment to bring the work up to the required standard within 7 calendar days. The contractor must also address any issues found with the quality of data on the order.

The contractor is to undertake their own repair quality audits and information should be provided to the Group at Operational meetings.

Permission requests

Customers are able to apply for permission to alter their homes via the the Group’s website. Permission requests will be reviewed and considered by the Assets and Property Services Team and a Repairs Surveyor will visit the property if required.

Where permission is granted to a customer they will then become responsible for the maintenance, repair and future replacement of the item(s) and this should be recorded on Dynamics CE.

If the customer who applied for permission moves out of the property and the item is left in situ, a decision will be made during the void period if the item will be gifted to the new customer or if the Group will then take responsibility for future maintenance. If the Group are to maintain the item then  Dynamics CE must be updated.

Defects or warranty items

Whilst a property or component is under defects or within warranty repairs must be reported to the relevant contractor during this period and follow the defect process. If the repair is an emergency then a make safe repair may be completed by the repairs contractor with the aim to prevent damage to the property or risk to the customer.

The Group will make a claim to the National House Building Council (NHBC) on behalf of a customer where the property is under the guarantee and the customer is in a rented property. Shared Owners and Leaseholders will progress their own claims to NHBC.

Right to Repair

We will comply with the Right to Repair provisions (section 121 of the Leasehold Reform, Housing and Urban Development Act 1993). This obliges us to complete qualifying minor repairs within set timescales for eligible tenancies. If we fail to meet these timescales, the customer has the right to arrange for another contractor to undertake the work and to seek compensation from us for the inconvenience caused.

Rechargeable repairs

Generally, we will not carry out rechargeable repairs however, in exceptional circumstances we may complete the repair to protect the household from further damage or where there may be a compliance risk such as gas repairs.  We will recharge the customer for this work and follow our recharge process. The customer will be informed of recharges before the work is undertaken and a signature will be collected from the customer to state they accept the recharge. The customer may also be recharged for missed appointments providing the contractor has followed the no-access process.

Specialist third party contractor repairs

Some repairs will be completed by specialist contractors such as door entry repairs, lift repairs or communal fire alarm repairs. The above priority appointment timeframes should be followed unless there is a specific service level agreement in place.

Responding to crime

Following illegal entry into a dwelling we will:

  • Carry out any emergency make safe repair
  • Carry out any repairs as a result of the illegal entry that are our responsibility provided an incident number from the police is provided
  • Notify the Housing, Care and Support or Leasehold Team immediately.

Where illegal entry into a dwelling is the result of the customers criminal activities no repairs will be done outside those of the landlord’s obligations unless deemed necessary to protect the condition of the property. This work will be rechargeable to the customer.

In instances of victimisation or domestic violence, where it is considered that there is the likelihood of repeat victimisation and attempted illegal entry, we will in consultation with the police and other parties provide additional security in those homes affected. These will be treated as a priority or emergency repair dependent on risk assessment. Any items in relation to this incident will not be recharged.


Section 11 of the Landlord & Customer Act 1985 imposes an obligation on the landlord to keep the structure and exterior of our rented and leasehold properties in good repair. If these repairs are not carried out, then a customer may be able to take legal action against us for disrepair.

The Group will be proactive in identifying potential disrepair issues and dealing with these to prevent formal notice. However, once formal notice has been received.  We undertake the following:

  • Notify the Legal Enforcement Team immediately
  • Investigate and respond to the claim within the disrepair protocol timescales (with support from our Legal Enforcement Team)
  • Complete a disrepair inspection to identify any liability for the Group and any works required
  • Until agreement has been reached with customer’s solicitor, all appointed routine and urgent repairs will be suspended and only emergency repairs completed
  • Once agreement has been reached between parties, the Group will carry out any necessary repairs to the property in accordance with the agreed timescales
  • Disrepair claim repairs must be completed as priority works

Voids are subject to the quality standards as set out in the Group’s lettable standard. At tenancy termination the relevant contractors will be notified of the void start date. Ordinarily the notice period is 4 weeks however, the contractors will be updated if the void start date changes.

During the notice period an end of tenancy inspection will be completed by the Repairs and Voids Team. During this inspection the condition of the property will be noted, and the customer made aware of any potential recharges. A key safe will also be installed by the Voids Team and a key obtained from the customer. If access is not gained for the end of tenancy inspection, an order will be raised to the contractor for forced entry on first day of possession. The cost of this will be recharged to the customer.

On the first working day of the void the Repairs and Voids Team will specify the void works required to ensure that the property meets the lettable standard. This specification will be issued to the repair’s contractor by way of a void order.

The boiler will be serviced and any repairs completed and the gas supply capped at the start of the void period.  If it is found that the boiler needs to be replaced during the void period then this will be referred to the Planned Team. The boiler will then be uncapped and serviced by the heating contractor once the customer moves into the property.

The contractor must review the order and specification and provide a completion date within one working day, which must be agreed with the Group. Once the void works have been completed the Contractor must notify us who will complete a void quality audit to ensure the lettable standard has been met. The property will then be passed to back to lettings for occupation by the customer.

Mutual exchange

If a customer requests a mutual exchange, a mutual exchange inspection will be completed and the customer notified of any items which they must complete (such as making good any damage) before exchange and an order will be raised to the heating contractor to complete a gas and electrical check 10 calendar days in advance of the exchange. Any remedial tasks identified from the compliance checks or mutual exchange inspection must be completed before the exchange can take place.

Planned maintenance

This work is undertaken on an arranged cycle to help maintain the property in good order. It includes items such as external painting.

Major repairs

This work is  carried out when building components have reached the end of their life. Components include kitchens, bathrooms, windows, doors, roofs, electrical rewires and boiler heating replacements. These works are determined by the age and condition of the component which is assessed during a stock condition survey.  A programme of stock condition surveys is in place to survey all properties every 5 years.

It may be necessary from time to time to replace components where they have failed or are beyond economic repair.  Our decision making in these circumstances will take account of:

  • Condition of the component
  • The cost of repairing verses replacement costs
  • How long the repair is expected to last
  • Next renewal date
  • Customer feedback

Detailed 5-year investment plans are in place for all major repairs. We are developing investment plans for all non-component renewals to inform our planned works programmes in all schemes which will be delivered alongside our major repairs programmes.

Roles and Responsibilities

Responsibility for implementing this policy is held by the:

  • Executive Director of Housing
  • Director of Assets and Property Services

Operational responsibility is held by the:

  • Head of Repairs
  • Head of Planned Works
  • Head of Asset Compliance
  • Repairs Manager
  • Void Manager
  • Regional Planned Works Managers
  • Asset Investment Manager

Monitoring, Evaluation and Review

The activities covered under the Repairs and Maintenance Policy will be subject to performance monitoring on a continuous basis and discussed with contractors as part of the regular operational and core group meetings.

We will report on key performance areas to our Directors team, the Executive Leadership team (ELT) and Group Board.  If significant issues of concern arise, these will be dealt with by the relevant Director who will report such matters to the ELT.

Periodic audits of policy compliance may be conducted by the internal auditor with results being reported to the Audit and Risk Committee.

Key areas for monitoring will be:

  • Works completed on time
  • Works overdue
  • Works completed first time fix
  • Average repair and void time
  • Quality of work completed
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Appointments kept
  • Budgetary and expenditure control

This policy will be reviewed every 3 years involving all relevant teams to ensure the effectiveness and management of processes in place, that it complies with all relevant legislation and continues to promote good practice.

In addition, it will be reviewed:

  • Following information suggesting that the policy is not effective, or
  • Following the introduction of new legislation or guidance

Equality and Diversity

The Group is committed to E,D&I and such will make reasonable adjustments to the policy to recognise, accommodate and support individual needs, where needed.

This Policy adheres to the Group’s approach to Equality and Diversity.

Group members will take a proactive approach to ensure that no individual or group is discriminated against or treated differently as a direct or indirect result of this Policy.

Summary of local variations



Appendix A: Longhurst Group – Repairs Responsibilities and Priority Classifications

The attached table indicates who is responsible for each type of repair in our rented properties and associated communal areas. The contractor should note that some tenancy agreements and leases may contain different repairing responsibilities if differences do exist the tenancy agreement or lease will override this document.

Longhurst Group are able to assume responsibility for the repair or change the priority classification based on an individual customer or their household members vulnerability and individual circumstances relating to the repair order.





Doors - easing and adjusting, repair and replacement


Longhurst if fire door / wear & tear


Appointed Routine

Floorboards – Unsafe/rotten timber flooring or stair tread

Longhurst Group

Urgent (Within 3 days)

Kitchens units and worktops

Longhurst Group

Appointed Routine

Skirting boards door frames, thresholds, loft hatches, curtain battens, internal door handles and general joinery


Appointed Routine

Loose or detached banister or handrail


Urgent (Within 3 calendar days)






Bathroom fixtures and fittings (except bathroom cabinets, mirrors, towel rails, toilet roll holders, and toilet seats).


Appointed Routine


Bleeding radiators




Chains and Plugs




Gas appliances (unless owned by Longhurst)




Gas pipework




Blocked flue to open fire or boiler




Fire grates, surrounds only if installed by Longhurst and chimney sweep

If secondary source of heating these will not be repaired but removed and area made good


Appointed Routine


No heating or hot water between 31 October and 1 May




No heating or hot water 1 May and 31 October


Urgent 3 Calendar days max


Partial loss of heating (storage heaters, convector heaters and electric fires if Longhurst owned)








General electrical repairs


Appointed Routine

Check electrics after water damage



Dangerous or exposed wires/electrical fitting (including sockets, pendants and light switches)



Domestic Appliances or Communal Appliances (such as cookers, fridges, washing machines, dishwashers) including fuses


Unless Longhurst Group responsibility such as communal kitchens



Electricity and lighting (total loss)



Electricity and lighting (partial loss)


Urgent (Within 3 calendar days)

Extractor Fans (mechanical) in kitchen or bathroom



Faulty main wired smoke alarms, heat detectors or carbon monoxide detector



Fuses to plugs on customers own appliances



Lighting and landing lights (total or partial loss) to communal areas



Light bulbs unless sealed unit


Longhurst if sealed unit



Re-lighting pilot lights (including the resetting of any heating controls or programmers



Resetting trips



Telephone points



TV aerials and TV sockets (unless communal or dangerous e.g. aerial hanging from roof)



Warden Call Equipment (Scheme Down)







Substantial Leaks which cannot be isolated or contained

(except for washing machines and dishwashers)



General plumbing repairs and containable leaks


Appointed Routine

Taps cannot be turned on or off


Urgent 3 Calendar days max

Showers (only if provided by Longhurst - except shower heads, hoses and shower curtains which is customer responsibility)


Appointed Routine

Urgent if only source of bathing

Shower curtain rails/cubicles/screens


Appointed Routine

Internal blockages (including WC, hand basin, bath/shower wastes and kitchen sink)

Customer to be recharged if found to be misuse



Urgent 3 Calendar days max



Emergency if there is only one toilet in property

Total loss of water supply


Emergency – 10 litres of water to be supplied per customer residing at the property every 24 hours until resolved

Partial loss of water supply


Urgent 3 Calendar days max





Cleaning (Property)






Fixtures and fittings (such as coat hooks, curtains, curtain rails)



Floor coverings fitted by Longhurst (including adapting doors to accommodate repairs)

All other floor covering customers responsibility


Appointed Routine

Wall tiling in kitchen and bathroom


Appointed Routine

Condensation, mould and damp

  • Initial cleaning affected areas with fungicidal wash
  • Clearing blocked air vents
  • Installing extractor fans as needed

Customers will be provided with guidance on how to prevent condensation and mould



Appointed Routine



Appointed Routine

WC seats



Windows (including windowsills, catches, sash cords and frames)


Appointed Routine

Windows – insecure external window on ground floor



Removal of polystyrene coving/tiles


Appointed Routine

Removing or containing asbestos where required following an asbestos survey


Appointed Routine




Cleaning and Clearance of Items (Including internal and external communal areas) fire risk



Clearance of sharps internal or external of communal areas



External blockages to include drains, manholes, gullies, and ACO channel, soakaways which are not the responsibility of the waterboard



Blocked foul drain



Septic Tanks



Gutters, and down pipes


Appointed Routine

Gates, boundary walls and fences - on public boundaries or common areas


Appointed Routine

Coal Bunkers


Appointed Routine

Door entry phone not working



Door release not working



Doors (external and fire doors) includes frames, hinges, door jambs, thresholds, letterboxes, intumescent strips, seals and handles


Appointed Routine

Doors - make safe or secure external door (this includes fire doors in flats)

Longhurst – Temporary locks not to be external if required – No padlocks to be installed on outside of a customer’s entrance door under any circumstances


Doors – Replacement doors (including fire doors)



Door numbers, door knockers and battery- operated bells



External brickwork, including repointing and rendering


Appointed Routine

Garages (except key replacement)


Appointed Routine

Gardening maintenance (including dustbins and refuse areas)



Glazing (Longhurst if property broken in to, and crime number supplied)



Infestations by ants, cockroaches, bedbugs or fleas



Rodent infestations*



Rodent infestations on communal land and communal spaces (including Care and Support properties) owned by Longhurst Group



Loss of keys and fobs



Out-buildings (except repairing or renewing timber sheds, or replacing lost keys)


Appointed Routine

Paths (including steps, footpaths and ramps)

- communal and main paths to property only


Appointed Routine

Porches (except glazing, or customer own)


Appointed Routine

Repair to chimney pot, cowl or stack (if adjoined to private property, may take longer)


Appointed Routine

Rain penetration through roof



Re-bed and re point joints to roof ridge tiles and repairs to lead flashings


Appointed Routine

Storm damage, make safe roof or chimney, including slipped or missing roof tiles



Structural surveys and structural repairs



Washing lines (except in communal drying areas)



Water butts







Adaptations Minor (up to £1000 in value)



Adaptations Major completed by Longhurst (between £1,000 and £2,500 in value)


Appointed Routine

Domestic Violence Works, Safe House, Victims of Hate Crime



Removal of offensive graffiti



*Exceptions include: Where the fabric of the building is compromised allowing access to rodents and vermin or infestations in the loft space.

Appendix B – Customer Vulnerability

This table is to assist Longhurst Group colleagues, repairs suppliers, contractors, and OOH call handlers.

Every person should be considered on an individual basis and considerations should be made for other occupants in a property who are able to support whilst the repair is being completed.

It is to provide guidance of considerations of vulnerabilities in relation to repairs; where the priority and responsibility may be adjusted to reflect this.



Examples (not exhaustive)


Consideration should be given where a customer is aged 70 years + and a customer would be impacted by the repair timescale. (This age bracket is

indicative as a customer may not feel vulnerable due to age)

  • No heating
  • No hot water
  • External lights
  • Communal lights
  • Landing lights (with no plug socket for lamp)
  • Bathroom lights
  • Partial heating – change from urgent to emergency where bedroom/lounge are affected


Consideration should be made where there are young children <2 years in a property


  • No heating
  • No hot water
  • External lights
  • Communal lights
  • Bathroom lights
  • Partial heating – change from urgent to emergency where bedroom/lounge are affected


Any impaired mobility that would be impacted by the repair timescale

  • Access - obstruction
  • Doors – access through a door due to mobility issues
  • Leaking overflow pipe over an external door/on a path during freezing weather

Disability & Health

Considerations made to all disabilities & Health conditions – should understand how their circumstances are affected by the repair

Any repair that is having an extreme detrimental effect on the health, physical or mental wellbeing of an individual


Where there are reasonable concerns over the safety of an individual(s)



Updated: 12 February 2025

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