We aim to provide an excellent service to our customers and if we get things wrong, we want to put them right and learn from our mistakes. Here we provide information about our complaints service and how you can make a complaint if you are unhappy with the service we provide.
If you need to make a complaint, we'll:
- Listen and deal with your complaint promptly.
- Investigate your complaint fully.
- Keep your complaint confidential at all times.
- Handle things fairly.
- Put right any mistakes and learn from them.
- Apologise when we've got things wrong.
- Help anyone who needs assistance making a complaint.
What's a complaint?
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction about the standard of service, actions, or lack of action by us, including our colleagues or those acting on our behalf, affecting an individual customer or a group of customers.
For example, a complaint can be made when we’ve:
- Failed to provide a service when agreed.
- Provided a poor standard of service.
- Made a mistake in the way we’ve provided the service.
- Failed to meet our existing service standards.
- Failed to follow our policies correctly.
There are circumstances in which a matter will not be considered to be a complaint. Our complaints policy gives further details.
How can I make a complaint?
Let us know straight away about any problems you have so that we can sort it out for you as quickly as possible.
You can tell us about your complaint in person, in writing, by email, over the telephone, using social media, online via our website or by requesting a complaint form. Our contact details are below.
Social media
By phone
0800 111 4013In writing
Support with making a complaint
The complaint service is open to our customers, or their representative, and anyone affected by a service we provide.
If you need help making a complaint, we'll be happy to help. If you prefer, you can ask a family member or friend to help. You can also ask for further help and advice from your local councillor or MP.
Customers are able to approach the Ombudsman at any point during their complaint journey for advice and support.
Service request
A service request is when a customer asks for Amplius to take action to put something right.
Where possible, we'll encourage an early resolution of the issue. There will be times when it may be possible to agree resolutions with customers immediately. In these circumstances, in agreement with the customer, we won't log a formal complaint and will deal with this as a service request.
Formal complaints
We’ll acknowledge your complaint within five working days. We’ll discuss your complaint with you and make you aware of timescales and next steps.
We’ll then aim to respond fully to stage 1 complaints within 10 working days. Due to the nature of some complaints, further time is needed (up to 10 additional working days) to investigate and provide a resolution. We’ll discuss this with you and keep you updated until it’s resolved.
If you feel our stage 1 complaint resolution isn’t factually accurate, that agreed actions haven’t been completed, it doesn’t address your complaint or that we didn’t follow our complaints process, we’ll record a stage 2 complaint.
We allow 20 working days to review a complaint at stage 2. Due to the nature of some stage 2 complaints, further time is required (up to 20 additional working days) to carry out a review and provide a resolution.
We’ll discuss this with you and keep you updated until it’s resolved. If you’re unhappy with the outcome of the stage 2 complaint you can escalate the case directly with the Housing Ombudsman.
Learning from complaints
We'll review all complaints regularly to make sure they're being dealt with effectively and consistently.
Most importantly, we use complaints to identify areas of our service where we need to make changes, so that the service you receive continues to improve.
What to do if you're still unhappy
If you’re still unhappy at the end of our complaints process, you can ask the Housing Ombudsman to consider your case.
The Housing Ombudsman’s Complaints Handling Code gives clear guidance to support the effective handling and prevention of complaints. It can be read at
The Code is designed to enable landlords to resolve complaints promptly and fairly and to use the learning to make service improvements. Compliance with the Code is part of the membership obligations set out in the Housing Ombudsman Scheme.
The Housing Ombudsman's contact details are:
Housing Ombudsman Service, PO Box 1484, Unit D, Preston, PR2 0ET
For complaints relating to our care and support services, you can contact the Care Quality Commission using the below details.
Useful links
Online complaints form
Submit a complaint quickly and easily via our website.
Complaints self-assessment and performance review 2023-24
An overview on the Amplius' performance in relation to complaints during 2023-24
Complaints policy
Read our full Complaints Policy.
You said, we did
Read more about how we learn from complaints to make improvements to our services.
Our performance
Our quarterly report includes our complaints performance figures.
Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code – Teetotal Homes self-assessment 2024
Updated: 17 February 2025