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Modern Methods of Construction

Using modern methods of construction, low and zero carbon solutions, reducing energy use and preparing for Future Homes Standards

Modern methods of construction (MMC)

Modern methods of construction, or MMC, covers a range of components and methods which utilise the advantages of off-site manufacturing.

These include precast foundation solutions, ground floor beams, upper floor joists and roof elements. 

Panellised and volumetric MMC include timber, lightweight steel and concrete solutions ranging from wall panel to whole house off-site solutions.

The main benefits of MMC include factory-built quality, less reliance on site works and the delays caused by poor weather conditions on site.

Low and zero carbon solutions and minimising energy use

By utilising a combination of renewable energy sources, zero carbon heating and hot water solutions and high levels of thermal insulation, we’re providing homes for our customers that are highly efficient to run. We’re working closely with our stakeholder partners to investigate and implement new technologies on our schemes to further enhance the efficiency of our homes, including net zero carbon and EPC A rated projects.

Preparing for Future Homes Standards

Whilst we wait for the release of the final version of Future Homes Standards, we’ve been working in the background to update our standard house type range to suit the anticipated required standards and we’re utilising technology such as air source and ground source heat pumps that we expect will replace gas boilers as the heating and hot water systems required.

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