We will be reliable, trusted and endorsed by others for doing business the ‘Longhurst Way’.
By living our values and embracing our culture, we will work hard and invest in energetic, enjoyable and mutually beneficial partnerships that deliver positive change for our customers and communities.
Health and wellbeing
Deliver corporate social responsibility and encourage and facilitate volunteering opportunities for customers and colleagues.
Ensure every contact counts by training employees of our contractors to identify and report on safeguarding and other relevant issues.
Engage and work proactively with local authorities and health and social care bodies to grow our housing and social care services in our primary operating areas.
Develop partnerships with social care providers, local authorities and community groups.
Invest in existing specialist or adapted supported accommodation identified with commissioning partners as significant to local delivery of health and social care strategies.
Economic resilience
Consider corporate social responsibility during the procurement of new contracts and look to engage with local social enterprises and SMEs.
Deliver our social value strategy by agreeing a delivery plan with our main contractors which covers: employment opportunities, work experience, training and development, apprenticeships and community investment.
Ensure we access available funding to optimise the projects we can deliver to improve economic resilience.
Create partnerships to deliver community initiatives that promote and improve the financial wellbeing of our customers.
Access available funding and become involved in community initiatives.
Achieve the best solution for customers by working with partners and local authorities to help them meet their strategic objectives in relation to housing, homelessness and providing homes and services to people in housing need.