Providing the homes people want, where they are needed
Providing the homes people want, where they are needed
Our Aim
Successfully deliver one of the largest affordable development programmes in the Midlands and East of England, building the right mix of social, affordable rent, shared ownership, private rented and sales homes to meet local need.
During the life of this strategy, our ambition is to build up to 700 homes each year, creating homes for people to rent or buy, at prices they can afford and in places they want to live.
We will invest wisely to maintain our homes, ensuring they are fit for purpose and located where services can be provided effectively and efficiently.
Health and wellbeing
Reduce the need for aids and adaptations through good design in all new developments.
Adopt a proactive, seamless approach to minor adaptations, being discreet and innovative, using ‘invisible’ adaptations to ensure effectiveness without compromise on design and appearance.
Provide access to services that help people remain in their own home as long as possible.
Ensure our homes provide a safe, secure and decent environment as a foundation for people to build their lives.
Take account of the importance of green space in our development plans.
Support people with disabilities, long-term conditions or other complex needs.
Aim to design all of our projects to meet Building for Life 12 standards to ensure that the homes we build give our residents a well-designed place to live.
Economic resilience
Provide a choice of housing products and price points, including affordable, market rent, market sale and shared ownership.
Include supported housing in a long-term funded asset management plan to keep people in their own home for longer.
Design energy efficient new homes and invest in existing properties to make them more energy efficient and affordable to run.
Ensure our homes are designed to aid the construction of modular building methods.
Build our own homes using local labour and apprentices to help boost the local economy.