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Longhurst Group makes donation to support sector-wide Community Investment initiative

Longhurst Group has donated to an initiative aiming to promote the value of Community Investment in the housing sector.

The Centre for Excellence in Community Investment was launched by the Housing Associations Charitable Trust (HACT) in 2018.

Its aim is to champion and celebrate the importance and impact of Community Investment across the UK.

Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic, they’ve been working with more than 100 social housing providers to facilitate, promote and evidence the sector’s response.

Charmaine Simei, Director of Community Investment, said: “We’re proud to be involved with the Centre for Excellence in Community Investment and have benefited from their extensive work around data insight, research, the sharing of best practice and creation of platforms for partnership working.

“Their work has been invaluable to the development of our Community Investment offer pre Covid-19, and it’s been a lifeline since the outbreak.

I strongly believe that it’s essential that the valuable role that housing associations play in supporting their communities needs to be coordinated, championed and clearly evidenced to audiences both inside and outside the sector, particularly in the months and years ahead.

Two men carrying litter

“We’re delighted to have been able to donate this money to support their continued work in this area.

“I strongly believe that it’s essential that the valuable role that housing associations play in supporting their communities needs to be coordinated, championed and clearly evidenced to audiences both inside and outside the sector, particularly in the months and years ahead.

“HACT remain at the forefront of this work and have a pivotal role to play in assisting us all in developing strategies of the future.”

She added: “As a Group, we’ve been overwhelmed by the amazing number of community initiatives and local heroes that have come to the fore in the last few months.

“We remain committed to working alongside our customers to ensure that they have continued access to the resources and services they need to be able to thrive and ultimately have pride in the communities they call home. 

“I’m extremely grateful for all of the support HACT and the Centre for Excellence in Community Investment continues to give myself, my wider team, the Housing Sector and the communities we all serve.”

Our donation will go towards the fundraising aim of £100,000, which will allow HACT to continue to provide resources to the Centre to continue its valuable work.

A spokesperson from HACT said: “Longhurst Group’s generous donation will help us to continue with the work that we do.

“We are grateful to them in recognising the value of our work.”

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