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Stronger2gether: customer consultation

Longhurst Group and Grand Union Housing Group are in discussions about joining together as a single organisation.

There’s still a lot for us to work out over the coming months. This includes a period of due diligence, where both organisations will further analyse the information in support of a new partnership, and a consultation with our customers about this potential change.   

If everything goes ahead, we’d hope to come together as a single organisation by the end of this year or early next year.

Let us know your views

We’re really keen to understand what you think and would encourage you to let us know your views. You can do this in one of three ways:

  • Online by completing the feedback form below.
  • On the phone by calling 0800 111 4013 and selecting the customer consultation option.
  • Or you can provide handwritten feedback by completing the form at the end of the letter sent to all customers and returning it to us using the prepaid envelope enclosed. 

The consultation is open for six weeks until Wednesday, 4 September. We’ll collect all your feedback and share it with the Boards of both organisations before a final decision is made.

It is a very important part of the process for Boards to understand how customers feel about the proposals and they will consider this fully in their decision making. 

Thank you in advance for providing your feedback.

Stronger2gether: customer consultation feedback form

If you would like to receive an email copy of your response, please provide your email address

Useful links

Updated: 24 July 2024

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